DogeMiner 2: Back 2 the Moon Wiki

Planets are the main form of progression within Dogeminer 2, with each Planet having new, better Fortunes, Pickaxes, and Shibes. There are currently 5 Planets in Dogeminer 2 (Earth, The Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Titan), though there were only three in Dogeminer 1 (Earth, The Moon, Mars). There may be more in Dogeminer 3.

Each Planet is unlocked with a certain helper, with the first 4 (minus Earth) all being unlocked using some sort of Rocket, examples are the Space Rocket, Mars Rocket, and Jupiter Rocket. The only planets not unlocked with rockets is Titan, as it is unlocked with the Doge Star on Jupiter, and Earth as it is the planet the player starts on.


  • The Moon and Titan are labelled as "Planets" but they are both Moons of a real life planet, Titan being the largest moon of Saturn and The Moon being the Moon of Earth.
  • Due to Titan being a moon of Saturn, many new players have previously thought that Saturn was an actual Planet in Dogeminer 2, with logical reasoning probably having them thinking you land on the Moon of Saturn to then get to Saturn.
  • Some players also talk about a(n obviously fake) Planet called "Cyborg Planet" and ask if it's the last planet or when is it going to be added. No one knows where this came from, but it's to be speculated that conversations about Titan (A planet with Cyborg Shibes) may have lead people to believe the Planet is just called "Cyborg Planet".

All items (6)
