DogeMiner 2: Back 2 the Moon Wiki


A Doge Gate, along with the Infinite Dogebility Drive, is an item you unlock late in the game. It looks like a circle ring. The first one gives you 78.6 DPS. You will unlock the Doge Gate once you reach Jupiter. It cost 123 M Dogecoins

Description: A Doge Gate for instant galaxy-wide dogecoin transfers.


Upgrade Name Dogecoins Doge Diamonds Description Once Bought
Golden Gate 6,900 M 5 Gold plated Doge Gates.
DG 2
Diamond Gate 9,900 M 8 Diamond plated Doge Gates. Yeah.
DG 3
Really Hard Gate 30 B 13 Reallyhardium-plated Doge Gates.
DG 4

An activated Doge Gate. Activates every other second when bought.


  • It appears to be based off of the Stargate from the tv show(s) Stargate