DogeMiner 2: Back 2 the Moon Wiki

The Moon is the second location you encounter in the game. Go to Category:Moon for more info.


The first helper, and the only one unlocked when you get on the moon, is the Moon Base. At the start, it costs 29,999 dogecoins. This certain building is important because it unlocks the other helpers.

Next is the Moon Shibe, starting at the price of 10,000 dogecoins.

The third helper is the Doge Car. Costs 35,000 dogecoins at the start.

The fourth helper is the Lander Shibe. Buying this unlocks the next helper, which will unlock the new planet Mars. The starting cost is 420,000 dogecoins. When bought, a notification appears saying the Lander Shibe supposedly found out that there are oceans of dogecoins on Mars.

The fifth one is the Mars Rocket. The Mars Rocket unlocks the travel to Mars. Starts at the price of 2,500,000 dogecoins.

At the late game, you finally unlock the last, and most expensive item on the Moon: The Doge Gate. It starts at the price of 123 M dogecoins.


Just like on Earth, the Moon has its own Dogebag, which is called the Mooncrate! Like the Dogebag, the Mooncrate can give pickaxes, fortunes, dogecoins and even dogediamonds.


The Moon Base is slightly cheaper and thus earns slightly less dogecoins than the Doge Car.
