DogeMiner 2: Back 2 the Moon Wiki


Mystery bonus has a (no longer) unknown ability and is kept unknown, mostly for the fun of the mystery (although it's actually not fun at all), according to rkn.

Earlier it was believed that the Mystery bonus improved loot drops at 75/50/25/0% of the rock; however those drop rates are increased from the Luck and Loot stats only and this theory has been debunked.

It is now known what the Mystery bonus does:

The code that controls the DPS is this
function X() {
        var e, t, n, i, o, r = L("pickaxe", "dpsp");
        return e = L("fortune", "mystery") + L("pickaxe", "mystery"),
        t = dogeminer.player,
        n = t.level,
        i = t.timeline,
        o = e >= 121111 && e < 420133769 && n >= 2 ? 420 * i : 0,
        o = e >= 420133769 && n >= 2 ? 6969 * i : o,
        ((L("pickaxe", "dps") + L("fortune", "persec") + t.extrapersec + o + D() * j()) * W() + U()) * (void 0 === window.dogepbonus ? 1 : window.dogepbonus.dps) * (r > 0 ? r / 100 + 1 : 1)
If we rename these variables to be a little less minified and do some formatting we get
function getDPS() {
        var mystery, player, level, timeline, mystery_extra_dps, dpsp = L("pickaxe", "dpsp");
        return mystery = L("fortune", "mystery") + L("pickaxe", "mystery"),
        player = dogeminer.player,
        level = t.level,
        timeline = t.timeline,
        mystery_extra_dps = mystery >= 121111 && mystery < 420133769 && level >= 2 ? 420 * timeline : 0,
        mystery_extra_dps = mystery >= 420133769 && level >= 2 ? 6969 * timeline : o,
        ((L("pickaxe", "dps") + L("fortune", "persec") + t.extrapersec + mystery_extra_dps + helper_dps() * bonus_helper_dps())
            * holiday_multiplier() + holiday_extra()) * (void 0 === window.dogepbonus ? 1 : window.dogepbonus.dps)
                * (dpsp > 0 ? dpsp / 100 + 1 : 1)
We can now see that if your mystery bonus is greater than or equal to 121,111% and less than 420,133,769% it will increase your DPS on the moon or higher by 420 (bad number) * your current timeline. If your mystery bonus is greater than or equal to 420,133,769% it will increase your DPS on the moon or higher by 6969 (bad number) * your current timeline.

This bonus is affected by the holiday multiplier, patreon bonus, and the dps increase from the Staff of the Sundogee.


Screenshot 2020-07-21 at 1.19
Unknown Fortune

only did this to find first one who used this image
